#153 – She Read the Note…

…folded it, and nudged it with her foot into the gutter.

It floated on a stream of dirty water before being swallowed up into the void beneath the streets.  It bumped among the refuse of humanity, becoming more soiled every second as it soaked in the filth around it.  As the weight of the water took hold, the paper unfolded itself until it spread out to its full glory as if reaching out for for one last moment before finally submerging into the murky depths of the sewers.

The ink began to run, fouling the message scrawled within.  A letter of apology and promises of making amends disappear in a smear of blue mixed with the brown and black of decay.  Too little, too late.  A clear answer to his pleas that he would never receive, lost forever in the darkness of mankind’s hidden shame.

Behind the Random: After working an 8 hour shift then helping a friend move for another 3 hours, I wasn’t in the mood to really write something big.  So I just let my fingers ramble on for a few minutes and see what they could come up with.  Honestly, I don’t think I could do better if I tried.

#124 – You Have an Opportunity…

…to fly a blimp emblazoned with a message over a baseball field during a game.  What will the message say?

As the sky grew darker and dusk approached, people in the grandstand looked up at the blimp that circled lazily the stadium.  Lights flashed on it’s side in different patterns before a message finally appeared.  There were murmurs in the crowd as people looked at each other in confusion.  Over a dozen men slowly get to their feet and look around with uncertain alarm before leaving their seats and heading for the exit.

I look through binoculars down at the crowd beneath me, chuckling madly.  Before me is the computer monitor that controls the messages displayed on the side of the blimp.  I grin widely as I look at my message.

“John!  It’s a trap!  Get out before she finds you!”

As I watch the men leave, it occurs to me how many men named John have women looking for them.  I just laugh again as I turn the blimp to make another round.

Behind the Random: At first I considered doing something stupid like announcing a bomb threat or something similar but realized that it was a waste of an opportunity.  So instead I picked an extremely common name and planted a paranoid message.  Somehow, I bet it would happen just like this…

#495 – Your Best Friend…

…has to choose between you and his/her significant other.  Why are you the better choice?

  1. We have similar interests with enough differences to make conversations interesting.
  2. I’m always up for helping to move things.  Friends.  Enemies.  Strangers.  Doesn’t matter to me, I just like moving things.  So, if my schedule allows it, I’m game to help out.  Even without pizza and beer as an incentive.  That’s just a bonus, in my opinion.
  3. My views on the world.  As a constant outsider to life, I can offer observations that most people don’t consider.  I’m often objective while still having a persons feelings and interest at heart.
  4. Who else is going to offer a good game of pool only to lose at the end?
  5. I may not have the moves of Jagger but I’ve got a great drunken stagger.
  6. We’ve got history.  Books could be written about us.  They may be the nonsensical or random, but still a page turner.
  7. Who’s got the jokes with the most?  Can she make you laugh like I can?  No.  She cannot.  Do not lie to me.
  8. Because you complete me.
  9. Also, we can have entire conversation made up movie quotes.
  10. Finally, you owe me for that one thing.  You know what you did.

Behind the Random: My best friend has been with me for over a decade now.  He’s one of the few people I credit with saving my life.  Without him, I’m not sure where I’d be right now.  We’ve helped each other out through a lot of rough times and have shared some of our best times together.  Of course, I’d never ask him to chose me over potential love, I certainly have a few good reasons on why he should.

#638 – Describe What You’ve Always Wished…

…was different about your body.

When I was younger, I made the terrible decision not to take care of my teeth.  For years, it was junk food and Pepsi without a single visit to the dentist and only the occasional brushing.  I knew it was a terrible decision, but it was hard to get back into the habit of good dental hygiene.

By the time I’d reached my mid-twenties, my front teeth were cracked and stained yellow from cigarette smoke.  Meanwhile, wisdom teeth that had gone long ignored were now pushing the rest forward, giving me a crooked smile that certainly didn’t help with my already questionable appearance.  Eventually the breaking point was met, literally, as my front teeth snapped out of my face and left a gaping hole in my mouth.

Now, a few thousand dollars later, I’m finally getting my smile back.  Of course, I wouldn’t have to change anything if I’d just used a little common sense and actually listened to my mother.

Behind the Random: There’s a few things I would like to change about my body.  My thin frame and inability to gain weight, my strange eyes, or my lack of a derriere.  However, this is the biggest problem I have, since it really affects my first impression and the way people treat me.

#265 – Go to a Flea Market…

…and write the stories of the treasures you see.

The air vibrates as explosions rocked the houses.  Screams of people panicking in the streets as they fled for safety.  A woman frantically gathers everything she can, not caring what she takes.  Pictures and knick knacks and other personal items fly into her bag as her son tries to drag her away.  As he manages to pull her out the door, she cries out and reaches into the house as she sees a picture frame the last photo of her husband before he left for war and never returned.

Days later, the bombing stops and soldiers enter the town.  One comes into the house and searches it for valuables.  He comes across the picture frame and, for reasons of his own, takes it.  He returns home and gives it to his daughter as a present, where it sits in her room for several years before she moves to Canada.

She attends university, studying to be a doctor.  The frame sat on her dresser in her dorm room until one rowdy night when her drunken roommate knocked it over and it broke.  Saddened by the loss of the gift, she found a shop that could repair the frame.  The shop was backlogged with orders and the frame sat in the back for weeks, gathering dust as it awaited its turn for repairs.

Unfortunately, they never came to pass as a thief robbed the shop one night and took anything he could get his hands on.  The thief sought a buyer but nobody wanted the broken frame.  Eventually, the thief cast it aside into the trash where it was found by a garbage picker, seeking lost treasures.

A man who had made a living selling the castoffs of other people, he had a stall in the flea market.  He did his best to repair the frame and it almost looked brand new, minus a few bends and dents.  On his table it sat, marked down from $5 to $2.

* * *

It was an anniversary present, giving on the third year they’d been married.  He’d found the tiara at a jewelry shop just around the corner of the office he worked in.  It’d taken them days to get it ready and he’d been worried that it wouldn’t be prepared in time.  She’d always loved princesses and this was his way of making her feel like one.  When he got the phone call, he decided to leave work early and surprise her at home.

She loved the gift and they had a romantic night out of dinner and dancing, ending it with a late night picnic beneath the full moon with wine and cheese.  They made love beneath the stars the night.  Unbeknownst to her, the necklace clasp got hooked on a root and snapped off.  She didn’t notice until they’d gotten home.

When she returned for it, the necklace was right where they’d laid that night.  However, on the drive home, the car coming the opposite direction lost control and the two collided.  She died on the scene, the necklace still in her hands.  When he came to identify her, they returned the necklace to him, but he couldn’t bear to look at it.  He gave it to the nurse and left the hospital, heartbroken.

The nurse didn’t feel comfortable keeping the jewelry, and so passed it on to one of her friends who loved shiny jewels.  She was delighted and wore the necklace all the time.  However, times were tough for her family and she was forced to make a choice; sell her jewelry or let her kids go hungry.  It wasn’t a hard choice and the necklace got sold to a second hand shop.

The necklace wound up in a box in storage for years, packed with other jewelry that had been sold or donated.  Eventually, it came time to do a clean up and so the owner of the shop took several boxes to the flea market where he had a stand.  There, the necklace hung.

* * *

He loved comic books when he was a kid.  He’d collect anything he could get his hands on.  Superheroes.  Fantasy.  Space travel.  Monsters.  It didn’t matter to him.  As he got older, his collection became huge.  His prized possession, though, was the first issue of Tales of the Skull Jester.  It was in good condition, considering how old it was and how many times he’d leafed through it.

As most people do, he grew up, got married, and had a kid.  That was when he decided that he would sell his collection to help save for his college tuition.  He found a wealthy collector who paid him handsomely for his complete set.  When he refused to sell the one issue he loved, the collector almost paid him double and he reluctantly let it go.

The collector was big into charity and participated in granting gravely ill children wishes.  One boy suffering from leukemia loved the Skull Jester and wanted a copy of the first issue.  So the collector donated the issue to the boy, who was ecstatic at the gift.  When he managed to pull through and beat the disease, he credited it to the power of his favorite comic book character.

A few years later, as his mom was gathering up things to sell at the flea market, her son asked to sell the comic book at her stall.  When asked why, he said that he wanted the Skull Jester’s power to help someone else just like it helped him.  She smiled at his idea and took the book, the now well read and fading book at her table where it waited for the next soul to save.

Behind the Random: I’ve actually thought about the history of some things I’ve owned, especially those that I got second hand.  Who owned it before and how many times has it passed hands.  What triumphs and failures has it witnessed in its time.  These are the thoughts the keep me occupied when I’m bored.

#261 – Write a Facebook Post…

…as if you lived on the opposite side of the world.  What are you doing there?

I don’t want to jump the shark here, but I’m tired of talking until my throat gets seahorse.  All I want to do is state my opinion then I’ll clam up for good.  I know some of you want to see me wash out and ship me away, but I can promise I’m not going anywhere.  I’m just going to keep going with the flow and see where the waves take me and I’d rather have a friend than anemone.

Behind the Random: The opposite side of the world puts me smack dab in the middle of the south Atlantic Ocean.  Clearly the last place an icthyophobe would want to be.  So how do I cover up my fears?  With cheesy puns.

#106 – Write Dialogue…

…in which one person proposes marriage and the other says no.






“Oh.  Why not?”


“Yeah, really.  I think I have a right to know.”

“Are you serious?”


“You cheated on me.  With my best friend.  In our bed.  While I was in the hospital.”

“One time!”

“Three times.”

“Three times!  I’m sorry and I promised it’d never happen again.”

“You’re also a liar, a thief, and a gambler.  You drink excessively and you spend all your free time with your friends or in the basement watching TV.””But I can change!”

“And marriage is gonna do that?”


“No.  We broke up for that reason.”

“I promise.”

“Still no.”

“Fine, but give me one more reason besides that.  One more good reason and i’ll leave you alone forever.”

“One more reason?”

“Just one.”

“Did that coffee taste funny to you?”


“Did you notice anything strange about your coffee?”

“Uhm…no.  I don’t think so.  Did you do something to it?”

“No, but do you really want to spend the rest of your life wondering if I did do something to your morning coffee?”



“That’s…a good point.”

“I thought so.”

“I’ll just be going.”

“Probably for the best.”

“Call me?”

“Not likely.”

Behind the Random: I wonder, sometimes, how some people can end up with such terrible people who only cause them stress, pain, and heartbreak.  Then I stop wondering because it makes my head hurt.

#612 – What is the Most Evocative Smell from your Childhood?…

…Write an evocative scene to convince the reader of its significance in your life.

It was like clockwork everytime my dad brought my brother and I to the shop while he worked on his stockcar before the upcoming race.  The smell of burnt metal clung to everything in the shop, with that sharp bitter stink.  First, we’d try and read and draw, but soon we’d become restless and bored.  Off we’d go to explore a building we’d wandered around a hundred times before.  Eventually, we’d get in trouble for playing with the compressed air and water sprays, get dragged from our hiding spots inside the racks of mufflers and pipes covered head to toe in oil, or yelled at for the umpteenth time to stop scrambling up the conveyer belt and riding it back down.

Having exhausted all other avenues of mischief, my eyes fall on the mechanic pits that ran across the shop floor.  Just over six feet deep and four feet wide, they were like a canyon to a 8-year-old.  Still, it was my goal to one day leap over it.  I decided today was that day.  I was going to bring up my inner Super Mario.

I set out into a run, watching the gap grow closer and closer with each step.  In my mind, the expanse grew outwards until it stretched out into infinity.  I wasn’t going to make it but it was too late to stop.  As my foot reached the lip of the pit, I had no other choice and I leaped into space.  Time stopped and I could look down into the void beneath me and, even as my foot landed safely on the other side, I was positive was I going to fall.

Momentum kept me going even as elation ran through me.  I’d made it on my first try!  This was the greatest day in my life.  Several more strides brought me to second pit and I jumped forward with all the confidence in the world.  That’s when I learned that the universe doesn’t care for cockiness.  I made it to the other side fine, my foot connecting with the ground.  Unfortunately, it was a little to far back and I landed on the lip, which stopped me dead in the air, even bouncing me back a bit, and allowing gravity to remind me man was never meant to fly.  I tried to grab onto the sides as they rushed past me, but only succeeded in colliding with the walls and turning me into a fleshy pinball before I landed in a heap on the concrete below.

I lay there in tears, having experienced victory and defeat in the same mere seconds.

Behind the Random: I spent a lot of time in that shop, plus my dad often came home from work with the smell of burnt metal on him, so that stink always takes me back to when I was kid.  It was a big part of my life for the first decade and even now, 20 years later, I’m still taken back to that place at the slightest whiff.

#221 – Make a List of Ingredients for a Recipe…

…All the ingredients must be inedible.

1/2 Cup of Nuts and Bolts
1/4 Cup of Sawdust
3 Cups of Motor Oil, any grade
2 Cups of Lead Paint, preferably red
2 Tsp Thumbtacks|
4 Tblsp Glass Shards6 Strips of Laminate

Mix well in a deluxe blender and serve chilled.

Behind the Random: And that’s the strangest prompt I’ve done in a while I think.  I have no words.

#448 – You are Asked to Write a Blurb…

…for a biography of your best friend.

When it comes to twists and turns in life, nobody knows how quickly things can change than her.  She’s gone through more in the first quarter of her life than most people do through all of there’s.  Lovers and losses, old deaths and new lives, sins and temptations.  She’s walked different paths in different shoes, trying to find her place in a crazy, mixed up world.  If there’s one thing she brings to the world, it’s a hope for this or something better.

Behind the Random: I’m one of those sappy people to consider my wife to be my best friend.  While we don’t share much in common, we’ve been there for each other for almost 15 years in some capacity or another.  We know how each other thinks and feels, likes and dislikes, habits and peeves.  And honestly, she’s had such an up and down life, I think it would make for a great story.  I just hope, together, we can find her happy ending.