#662 – Your Dream Marriage Proposal

It’s the middle of the summer, a perfect warm night out.  I rent a projector and take her out to a farm that allows us to use their barn to watch the Princess Bride, the picture framed by lilacs hung from the wall.  We snuggle on a blanket with wine and snacks like fruit and cheese.  As the movie comes to an end and the credits roll, they are interrupted by myself on the screen as I push the screen to the side.

“Hold on.  This isn’t the end.” The me on the barn wall declares as he points past us, “In fact, it’s just beginning.”

We both turn to look to see a small sparkling light approaching us.  It gets closer and closer, bobbing and weaving erratically through the air.  As it gets closer, she sees a small humming bird flitting it’s way towards her, following it’s trained path.  From it’s tiny talons, it clings a thread with a sparkling ring dangling from it.  It hovers before her and waits for her to pluck the ring from it before zipping back into the darkness.

As she looks at the ring, the reality of the situation sinks in, the me on the screen then prompts me with, “Well, ask her already stupid.”

I take her hands into mine, look her in the eyes, and ask “Will you marry me?”

Behind the Random: I’m not one for grand gestures.  I prefer subtlety or directness, not theatrics.  Still, in my mind, I like to construct these big setups that would be awesome to see.  Impossible, maybe, but awesome.

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